May 15, 2024

"He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words"

Do you know this? There is 10 seconds of silence and then it comes - the famous "And what else?". Every time someone says that, I have to smile because it's so predictable. Often I can't resist answering with the opening quote (by Elbert Hubbard).

Where does this so-called "awkward silence" come from? Such an embarrassed situation usually arises from uncertainty. Those affected feel the pressure to speak, but do not know what to say next. My tip: Just don't say anything. Enjoy the silence (not just endure it). Or break the ice. Arouse interest (not just pretend).

Because we often create this pressure ourselves. We strive to meet the expectations of a conversation. We want to appear confident and eloquent. And then we do something downright contradictory: we let ourselves be disturbed by seconds of silence and fill the gap with empty phrases.

How can I get rid of the pressure to enjoy the silence?

By saying something without saying anything. For example, you can show your counterpart how you feel right now. You can smile, look thoughtful, or change your posture. In this short break you can communicate non-verbally. Without being interrupted. You can behave consciously. Just don't say anything. Enjoy the silence.

How can I break the ice to generate interest?

You can tell an anecdote, or if in doubt, a joke. It's even better if you were attentive during the conversation and specifically picked up on a topic. For example, with: "I can't get your statement about XY out of my head. How did you do that?" You can also give tips. Steer the conversation. Arouse interest.

There are several ways to deal with awkward silence. Find the path that suits you best. Enjoy the silence or break the ice. Just please don't say "And anything else?" and for heaven's sake don't reach for your cell phone. 🤭

What experiences have you had with it? Feel free to do so in the comments.

Excerpt from the article

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